Emerging Civic Leaders Committee
This teach-in and interactive workshop will bring together millennial constituents to engage in meaningful dialogue around the current state of cultural and political affairs. We will explore ways in which we can foster and sustain civic engagement and voter turnout as we prepare for the new administration and beyond. Designed as a panel and round table discussion; we will analyze the historical context of millennials and modern movements, explore our role and responsibility, and start to develop a manifesto to strategically move forward with concrete actions to create community. Stay woke. Get engaged. Be empowered!
- “Criminal Justice Reform and Community Engagement” (Public Safety & Justice Committee)
- “Earth, Wind, Fire and Water: The Fundamental Elements to Sustainably Transform Environmentally Burdened Communities” (Environmental Committee)
- “Ending Homelessness Using the Empowerment Congress Model” (Human Services Committee)
- “Equity in Education: Leaders Explore Solutions from Diverse Perspectives” (Education Committee)
- “Gentrification Uncovered: What Does it Mean for You?” (Economic Development Committee)
- “Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Theater For Change is Now in Session!” (Arts & Culture Committee)
- “High Times: The Legalization of Cannabis and Its Impact on Health and Community Outcomes” (Health Committee)
- “Living Life Like It’s Golden: Purposeful Aging During the Senior Years” (Senior Services Committee)
- “Mental Health in the Community: Notes from the Field” (Mental Health Committee)
- “Unlearning Learned Bias” (Youth Summit – REGISTRATION RESTRICTED)