Election Central
Page last updated on 9/2/24.
One of the most critical ways we have to access our government and hold the system accountable is through our right to vote. By educating ourselves on the issues, engaging with the process as it stands, and empowering one another to advocate for the change our communities need, we can establish the greatest quality of life for ourselves today and for our future generations. Check here for information on upcoming elections (What issues are on the ballot? Who is running for what? What do all these propositions mean for me?) and make a commitment to exercise your right to vote at every opportunity.
Current Elections
Breaking Election News
Introduction to Government Reform Proposals
Learn more about the government reform proposals on the ballot in November’s election.
Civic Engagement Translated: YES WE KAM!
EC Web Page Publisher’s Note: We remain true to our mantra: Educate, engage and empower. Here we seize this unprecedented historical moment to emphasize voter education, engagement and participation. According to the late John Lewis, the vote is the most powerful weapon in our non-violent arsenal. It is an indispensable tool of civic engagement. Read a summation and analysis of the Vice President Kamala Harris’s ascendancy as the Democratic Party’s nominee for President.
Local Elections
- November 5, 2024 General Election
- Learn more about your district’s upcoming elections!
- 2024 Scheduled Elections (as of February 28, 2024)
Interactive Sample Ballot
Generate your personal interactive sample ballot to find all of the races that are relevant to your election day!Your interactive sample ballot will include (if relevant): Local Measures, City Council seats, Board of Supervisors, Community College District Board of Trustees, School Board candidates, Local Judges, District Attorney.
Learn more about your interactive sample ballot, which generates a poll pass, making it easy for you to cast your vote in-person during elections.
Ballot Tracking
Check the status of your ballot, from being mailed to your home, to processing with the Secretary of StateIn-Person Voting
LA County has implemented Vote Centers across the County, making it easier than ever to cast your vote!If you prefer to vote in person, you can vote at any vote center located in LA County! Learn more about in-person voting options, create your poll pass and find your most convenient center.
Vote by Mail
Mail your ballot or visit a ballot drop-off locationIf you prefer to vote by mail, be sure to request a vote-by-mail (absentee) ballot well in advance of your election. Once that’s taken care of, find out how to return yours safely and effectively!
Voter Registration
No matter when the next election is, you can ALWAYS register to vote! Check your status or register to vote to make sure you’re on the roster for all upcoming elections. Remember – if you have any major life changes (change of name or address, etc.), you’ll need to register yourself again! Why wait? Take care of your voter registration today!
Know your registration status, so you don’t miss important voting opportunities.
The fundamental power of democracy lies in the right to vote, and if you protect that right, you create possibilities for everything else.