Committee Overview

The EC Health Committee monitors health issues and legislative policies affecting the LA County Second Supervisorial District (SD2) to advise Supervisor Ridley-Thomas on key issues impacting the health and wellness of the community and mobilize the community to take action.


  1. Collaborate and link the SD2 office with the community through the Empowerment Congress Health Committee.
    1. Host monthly committee meetings, special events, and subcommittee meetings, as needed.
    2. Partner with community-based organizations within and outside of SD2
    3. Support the work and activities/events of the individual EC Health Committee members and the community at large.
  2. Educate and inform the community about key health policies and initiatives impacting SD2, in an effort to reduce health inequities.
    1. Promote awareness of existing and emerging health topics.
    2. Provide information and resources to increase knowledge on current health policies and initiatives.
  3. Advance emerging health issues in SD2 and determine how to influence and develop policy.
    1. Identify, prioritize, and advocate for health issues impacting the community

Committee Activities

The EC Health Committee hosts and co-hosts various activities directly related to the goals of the committee, including:

  • CARE Harbor;
  • Violence as a Public Health Issue: Shifting the Focus from Criminal Justice to Social Justice;

Printable version of the Health Committee fact sheet.