The Case for Open Space workshop is designed specifically for high school to young adult-aged youth to engage in an ongoing discussion about the benefits of open space for their communities. As part of the workshop, youth will be given the opportunity to design their own parks and assess the existing conditions in their own communities. Ultimately, their feedback will be incorporated into the current community engagement process for the Los Angeles Countywide Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment.
**NOTE: This workshop is open only to participants between the ages of 16 and 25. If you would like more information on registration for the Youth Summit, please e-mail
Other workshops:
- Disaster and Emergency Preparedness: Get Ready (Senior Services Committee)
- Homeless Individuals and Trauma: The Road to Healing and Recovery (Mental Health Committee)
- I Am My Brother’s Keeper – Badge or No Badge (Human Services Committee and Public Safety & Justice Committee) – OPEN ONLY TO YOUNG MEN, AGES 16-25
- Imagining Renaissance (Arts & Culture Committee)
- Invisible Wounds Manifested: Addressing Trauma in the Lives of Students (Education Committee)
- The Legacy of Civil Disobedience (Executive Committee)
- Re-Entry to Restoration (Public Safety & Justice Committee)
- Transportation as a Vehicle for Economic Development (Economic Development Committee)
Online registration is now CLOSED.
Limited walk-in registration may be available.