City Councilmember Desley Brooks, District 6, City of Oakland, CA
Kevin Best, Heartlands Merchants Association
Darleen Brooks, Resident and Community Organizer
Carla Garzon, Assistant to Councilmember Brooks, City of Oakland, CA
Yakpasua Zazaboi, Resident & Merchant, Owner of SydeWayz Café
The District 6 Main Street – Heartlands Merchants Association has been focused on revitalizing the dying commercial corridors in District 6 of Oakland, CA. So far, their efforts have included beautification efforts, infrastructure improvements, capacity building of area merchants, branding of the district, and community building efforts. The group has been working together for eight years and hopes to start transitioning some of the leadership and ownership away from the facilitators and the group leader. They are hoping to learn best practices for empowering the community and building cohesiveness and focus for team members.
Participating Teams:
- Team Baltimore (Baltimore, MD)
- Brooklyn Park – Be A Part of It (Brooklyn Park, MD)
- Doña Ana County – Quality of Life Initiative (Doña Ana County, NM)
- Nashville Music City Team (Nashville, TN)
- Team Newark (Newark, NJ)
- The Northsiders (Denver, CO)
- YoBoulevard! (Atlanta, GA)