Committee Overview

The Equitable Economic, Environmental & Community Development Committee meets on the third Thursday of each month, from 6pm – 7:30pm. Please join our mailing list for up-to-date meeting information, as some months may change.

Learn more about the committee and see where you can join us at upcoming meetings and events.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Please join us for our standing monthly meetings and check back frequently for updates.

About the Committee

The EC Equitable Economic, Environmental & Community Development Committee monitors and fosters deliberation around emerging economic development, environmental justice, and other community development issues, initiatives, and legislative policies.  This committee advises on key issues impacting equitable economic development and community design and adds particular insight in the areas of affordable housing, emerging economic sectors, water and energy efficiency, transportation and access to green spaces, as these issues impact the socioeconomic and physical ecosystem of the community.


  1. Identify emerging economic and environmental justice issues in the community and determine how to influence and develop policy.
  2. Educate and inform the community about key economic policies, land use, economic and environmental initiatives.
  3. Collaborate and link elected officials with the community through the work of the committee.
  4. Support the work and activities/events of the individual committee members and the community at large.


  • Addressing the affordable housing shortage
  • Increasing awareness of and access to procurement opportunities within the County Procurement Division for businesses
  • Promoting employment opportunities with major contractors funded with County funds via Project Labor Agreements
  • Fostering dialogue around gentrification and its impact on communities, including protection of tenants’ rights and preservation of open space

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