Committee Overview

The Special Committee on COVID-19 meets on the fourth Monday of each month, from 6pm – 7:30pm. Please join our mailing list for up-to-date meeting information, as some months may change.

Learn more about the committee and see whree you can join us at upcoming meetings and events.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Please join us for our standing monthly meetings and check back frequently for updates.

33rd Annual Empowerment Congress Summit

January 25, 2025 @ 8:00 am - 1:30 pm

About the Committee

The EC Special Committee on COVID-19 educates, engages and empowers the community on city, county and statewide efforts to ensure the safety, economic resiliency and socio-emotional needs of residents during this crisis. This includes monitoring the impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, connecting residents to critical resources, and sharing civic engagement and volunteer opportunities to take action.


  1. Increase access to critical COVID-19 resources across local, state and federal levels 
  2. Ensure equity in COVID-19 testing and vaccine distribution to reduce disparities 
  3. Educate and inform residents and business sectors on COVID trends, and vaccine safety and related health issues 
  4. Align resources to support vaccine administration and deployment, including partnerships with community-based organizations to increase testing and vaccination sites
  5. Support an equity-focused recovery effort


  • Work with local stakeholders to ensure awareness of and access to vaccines. 
  • Assess testing and vaccination capacity in underserved communities and uplifting opportunities to address disparities. 
  • Promote broad strategies to advance a Health equity agenda 
  • Advocacy to address challenges in distance learning
  • Identify and pursue economic recovery opportunities that will benefit high-need communities

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