Join Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas and the Empowerment Congress Equitable Economic & Community Development Committee in celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! In the years since its inception, the celebration of Earth Day has expanded into a full week. Help us celebrate Earth Week and head to Twitter to join the #EarthDay50and #EarthWeek conversations.

Don’t have a Twitter account? Create a free account or send us your Earth Day photos and thoughts via email.

Air & Water Quality

Head outside to snap a photo of how clean the air has been recently!

@mridleythomas says “#SaferAtHome has cleaned up LA’s air. Celebrate #EarthDay50 by sharing your best views! My vote? The @lacountyparks MLK Tree Grove at Hahn Park”

Parks and Open Space

What's your favorite local park? Share a photo!

@mridleythomas says “With 181 parks in our @lacountyparks system, share why you love your local park! Here’s a local #CulverCity #BaldwinHills favorite – Stoneview Nature Center!”

Healthy Food Access

What's your favority healthy food store? Tell us where it is!

@mridleythomas says “This #EarthDay50 let’s buy fresh, local produce. What’s your favorite veggie market or veggie dish? Help us out @GoodFoodLA@SEELAHollywood!

Clean Energy

How are you conserving energy? Share with us!

@mridleythomas says “Day 4 of #EarthWeek we are focused on reducing our carbon footprint through #CleanEnergy. #TBT to the $2.5M renovation of the @LACountyLibrarys First #NetZero Library in @CulverCity, saving $27K per year in energy costs! #EarthDay50

Transportation and Land Use

Show us a photo of your favorite TAP card or share a description of your favorite tap card design!

@mridleythomas says “Can’t end #EarthDay50 w/o @Metrolosangeles! In LA we #GoMetro with a #TAPcard.  What’s been the best TAP card design thus far? Post a pic.  Mine was the Obama Card.”